Saturday, October 27, 2007

Global Warming

Is global warming caused by man or not? Is it really meaningful? Despite what the media pushes, it is by no means certain in either case. Regardless, there is a simple solution that the tree-huggers do not want to see or implement because it would solve the warming problem and put them out of the whining business. It is based on volcanoes and nuclear winter. Remember the good ol' cold war days when scientist said if a bunch of nukes went off they would throw up so much debris into the atmosphere that it would reflect the sun and the earth would cool, thus "nuclear winter". This theory was backed up by strong evidence of temperature declines after large volcano eruptions of the past. I heard a well respected scientist on NPR say that Al Gore is right, but he is not even "right enough", things are much worse. Even if we all threw away our SUVs and switched to 50 mpg hybrids or rode bikes to work, it could not make a difference: we are too far past the point of no return. He then went on to rationally say that the only way to make a difference fast enough would be to slightly increase the sulfur content in airplane fuel. This would add enough reflective material to the atmosphere to reflect the sun enough to drop the temperature and regrow the ice caps and save the cut little polar bears.

So simple, so easy. Why aren't the global warming alarmist jumping on this solution, it would cool the earth with a much higher chance of acceptance and success then current ideas. The environmental impact would be much smaller then letting the earth continue to warm.

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